Millions of children across Pakistan do not have enough food to eat, a stable home or access to education. Many of them no longer have parents to care for their needs. Children in need require not just physical aid in order to survive. Emotional support and education are essential for healthy development and a chance of a bright future – especially for children who have experienced difficulties and grown up in poverty. For many, whether they live with extended family or alone, most of all they need security and stability. Regular sponsorship can provide them with a reliable source of income to pay for food, healthcare and education. It can also connect them with emotional counselling to nurture and heal them from the trauma they have experienced.
We aim provide children with quality education whilst focusing on their personal, moral and social development. We believe with the help of this support parents will be able to provide a positive environment to these children at home that will help groom their personality and build their confidence thus enabling them to stand tall in the society.
We seek to provide an educational foundation that encourages our pupil to develop to their maximum potential. OUR curriculum is designed as per the needs of children under the age of 9 to effectively enhance their skills, to ensure their enrollment in a good primary school.