C-1 English

1) Begning Sounds

2) Ending Sounds

3) Vowels and Consonants

4) Articles

5) Pointing words

6) Ph Sound(sh, ch, oo)

7) Action Words

8) Describing Words

9) Professions

10) Singular and Plural nouns

11) Shapes

12) Seasons

13) Days of the Week

Zakat Account Detail

Account Title : “Luminary Learning Circle Foundation’’

Bank : Meezan Bank, UP More Branch, Karachi-Pakistan.

Account # 0117-0103662297

IBAN# PK90-MEZN-0001-1701-0366-2297

Home Collection

For home collection, please call:
+92 334 3088830

Donation Account Details

Bank : Meezan Bank, UP More Branch, Karachi-Pakistan.

Account # 0117-0103634881

IBAN#  PK18-MEZN-0001-1701-0363-4881

Cheque Donation Details

Enclose a crossed cheque in favour of
"Lumuniary Learning Circle Foundation".
Mail the cheque of your donation to the address below:
LLCF Head Office,
A-290/1 sector 11-B, Karachi, Pakistan 75850.

For home collection, kindly contact:

+92 334 3088830